
学生時代にバックパッカーをしておくべきだったと30歳を超えて気づきました。初めての海外は、大学卒業後のインド。懲りてしばらく海外に行かなくなりました。英語コンプレックス。東京の田舎育ち。2016年6月、初めての一人海外旅行は台湾。2016年10月、2度目の一人海外旅行はイラン。 語学力がなくても何とかなることに気づき、そこからよく海外に行くようになりました。 リュックだけ持って、LCCで海外にいく弾丸海外旅行スタイルが好きです。


My trip to Shanghai

November 11th to 13th, 2017


I went to Shanghai. I left at 2 a.m. Saturday from Haneda and arrived at Shanghai at 5 a.m. I returned to Tokyo Monday morning at 5 a.m. Then I went to work at 8:30 Monday morning. It was a tight schedule.

The food was delicious. I ate tofu, beef noodles, xiaolongbao, wan tan soup and Shanghai crab. My favorite food was Shanghai crab.  I ate two crabs. They cost me 2000 yen. One crab cost 1000 yen. They were set, one was male and one was female. The crab was difficult to eat and there was very little meat. The kind restaurant staff taught me  how to eat. The crabs brain was very delicious. I used scissors and crab utensils.


And I enjoyed tea. In China, people enjoy drinking tea while talking with friends. I was alone, but I still enjoyed myself. I drank green tea and Puer tea. It was very relaxing.


I went on a Yangtze river cruise on first day. It lasted one hour. It was in early morning and I was very sleepy so I slept for half the cruise. But the view from the ship was beautiful. I could see many skyscrapers. Its similar to Shingapore.

And I went to a famous temple and garden and enjoyed walking around the temple ground. It was similar to Asakusa, Sensoji Temple. There were many food shops in traditional Chinese building.

I booked my ticket three months in advance so it was very reasonable. It cost 25000 yen round trip. And hotel cost 6000 yen a night.

Air pullution in Shanghai was not too bad. The train was convenient and cheap.

Shanghai is very nice city but I dont like the great firewall in China. I wasnt able to use Twitter, Google, and Facebook etc…  If I use vpn, I can use these sites, however it is diffficult for me.