
学生時代にバックパッカーをしておくべきだったと30歳を超えて気づきました。初めての海外は、大学卒業後のインド。懲りてしばらく海外に行かなくなりました。英語コンプレックス。東京の田舎育ち。2016年6月、初めての一人海外旅行は台湾。2016年10月、2度目の一人海外旅行はイラン。 語学力がなくても何とかなることに気づき、そこからよく海外に行くようになりました。 リュックだけ持って、LCCで海外にいく弾丸海外旅行スタイルが好きです。


【英作文】英検一級 Agree or disagree: Women's social advancement leads to economic growth.



Agree or disagree: Women's social advancement leads to economic growth.


Today, gender equality is becoming recognized all over the world and some countries' prime ministers are women. Some people insist that the advancement of females has a negative effect on the economy, but I strongly believe that women's social advancement, especially in terms of work, leads to economic growth. I have three reasons to support my opinion.

Firstly, I will talk about labor. Currently, some countries face a labor shortage. Additionally, some women are unable to work because they have to care for their children. There is a lack of childcare facilities in many countries. So, governments should offer more childcare services to allow women to work. This should help solve labor shortages and encourage economic growth.

Secondly, let us consider financial independence. In most countries, women earn less than men. Because of women's lower income, they cannot enjoy shopping and entertainment to the same level as men. Furthermore, women cannot save as much money as men for retirement. Therefore, as women earn more, they can spend more, thereby contributing to the economy, and feel secure about their future.

Finally, business chance is another important factor. Many developed countries have a male-dominated business culture. However, if companies employ more women, different ideas and perspectives could be applied to developing new products and services. This can positively impact the economy.

For these reasons, I think that women's social advancement can result in economic growth. Although women's social advancement would be difficult and requires a lot of effort, I believe that it would be worth it and it helps society improve.


