
学生時代にバックパッカーをしておくべきだったと30歳を超えて気づきました。初めての海外は、大学卒業後のインド。懲りてしばらく海外に行かなくなりました。英語コンプレックス。東京の田舎育ち。2016年6月、初めての一人海外旅行は台湾。2016年10月、2度目の一人海外旅行はイラン。 語学力がなくても何とかなることに気づき、そこからよく海外に行くようになりました。 リュックだけ持って、LCCで海外にいく弾丸海外旅行スタイルが好きです。



My trip to Kenya, 2018

I went to Kenya for my new year's vacation 2018. I signed up for a safari package. It cost 250,000 yen, because it's a private tour. The package included hotel, meals, car and driver. I spent 6 days in Kenya. The first night, I was in Nair…

My trip to Australia(Sydney and Uluru), February, 2018

I went to Sydney in February 2018. When I arrived at the airport, my friend greeted me. Then, we went to Sydney Univ. by train and bus. Next, we went to my friend's house to gather with his wife. Then, we went to a bar to eat lunch. I had …

My trip to Iran and Azerbaijan, 2016 October

I wanted to visit Iran because Japan is allies with USA and we are very pro-America. My view is more influenced by America. Iran, on the other hand, is very Anti-America. So, I wanted to change my view of the world. There is not much infor…

My trip to India, 2010

My first time going abroad was traveling to India. I went to India with my friend in February, 2010. At that time, I had graduated University and was not employed by a company yet. I went to Deli, the capital city of India, to Jaipur, to s…