
学生時代にバックパッカーをしておくべきだったと30歳を超えて気づきました。初めての海外は、大学卒業後のインド。懲りてしばらく海外に行かなくなりました。英語コンプレックス。東京の田舎育ち。2016年6月、初めての一人海外旅行は台湾。2016年10月、2度目の一人海外旅行はイラン。 語学力がなくても何とかなることに気づき、そこからよく海外に行くようになりました。 リュックだけ持って、LCCで海外にいく弾丸海外旅行スタイルが好きです。


My trip to Ise Jingu(2009, summer)

In the summer of 2009, I went to Ise Jingu in Mie prefecture with my friend by bicycle. We rode cheap Japanese Mamachari, only ten thousand yen. It was 400km from Kanagawa to Mie and took 6days.

Hardest point of the trip was the mountains around Hakone. The mountains were very steep and we had to get off our Mamachari and pushed them up the mountains. The best part was going down the mountains Hakone and MisimaShizuoka. After Hakone the land is very flat. Traveling through Shizuoka was very boring because ther was nothing interesting to see. Shizuoka is very wide and empty.

Fisrt night we slept on the beach but it was very uncomfortable. After that we slept in parks and Onsen.

We drank that a lot Pokari Sweat because it was very hot and hard work. Pokari Sweat was very refreshing.

After visiting Ise Jingu, I was able to find a new job.